Igor V. Khramov - the President of the Foundation. +7 (3532) 78 40 61![]() In 1995 he was invited by the Orenburg administration and came back to Russia to organize the Russian-German joint venture "Orenkempen". In a year he became a chief of the foreign affairs and international trade department in the committee of the international and public relations of the city administration. In 1997 he transformed the foreign affairs and international trade department into independent department of the city administration and in 1998 transformed it into the international relations office. The largest projects of the city carried out by the office are (in economical sphere) the upgrade of the transport capacities (240 buses "Autosan"), complete renovation of the ambulance garage (30 ambulance-cars "Hyundai"), city light system reconstruction with the"Phillips"energy saving technology, providing the medical institutions of the city with the modern equipment for ultrasound diagnostics, introducing Dutch technologies of vegetable growing in suburban farms; in cultural sphere - organizing the Russian-German exhibition tour around Russia, devoted to the group of German anti-fascists "White Rose" and its leader A.Shmorell who was born in Orenburg, construction of German cultural center, providing libraries and universities of the city with foreign languages literature, arranging contacts with the outstanding Mexican artist Vladi (Kibalchich). In December 2000 after the new officials of the city dismissed the office, he left the city administration and started together with the adherents a new trend of the Regional public charity foundation "Eurasia" which aimed at saving the cultural heritage, development of international cultural and educational ties of the Orenburg region. Since 1998 Igor Khramov is the member of the Union of journalists of Russia. He was published practically in all the local newspapers, in magazines "Volga-business", "Vostok", in newspaper "Noviye izvestiya", collaborated with the "Moscow German newspaper". He published a series of scientific works both in Russia and abroad. In February 2001 he organized and became the head of the Orenburg regional branch of the Union of interpreters of Russia. During three fall months of 2001 he took part in the program "Journalists from Russia" as an intern in Germany, worked in the Berlin office of the largest German newspaper "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". In Berlin he also presented to the public his book "Russian Spirit of the "White Rose". At present he finishes the work on the album "Vladi" and translation of the collection of novels "Wives Always Disappear" by the famous German novelist Stephan Heim. After the fund's re-establishment in June 2002 Igor Khramov is the president of the Orenburg charity foundation "Eurasia". |